National Quality and Patient Safety mailing list

Join our mailing list to receive updates on our webinar series (QPS TalkTime and Open Disclosure webinars), our Walk and Talk Improvement: Ideas for Safe Quality Care podcast series and our quarterly newsletter "Quality and Patient Safety Matters."

All personal data collected by the HSE is retained in accordance with the HSE Record Retention Policy. The HSE Record Retention Policy is published on the HSE website at:
HSE staff who have access to this data are bound to the HSE via confidentiality agreements and are obliged to keep your personal data secure, and to use it only for the purposes specified by the HSE.
Data will not be kept for longer than required in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
For more information on how the HSE collects and uses personal data, and about your rights in relation to such information, please visit: GDPR Information -


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